Monday, July 19, 2010

Task 1: Realistic Representation

Smirk 48x64, oil on linen, 2009
Alyssa Monks

Detailed 1

Detailed 2

Detailed 3

10 Things why this artwork is realistic
1. The use of local colour which portrays accurately the actual skin colour and tonal values.
2. Subject matter is rendered in miniscule detail, heightening the sense of reality. (creases on the lips, dark circles, water droplet at the tip of the nose )
3. The water droplets are portrayed realistically with the use of transparency and light.
4. There is no clear indication of brushstrokes or outlines in the painting.
5. The subject matter is portrayed in astonishing verisimilitude (imitation).
6. The effect of light and shadows gave the painting spatial depth.
7. The texture of the painting is smooth.
8. The subject matter is depicted proportionately and not exaggerated nor simplified.
9. The painting is balanced and does not defy the laws of gravity.
10. The painting is a situation that is seen in real life and not make-believe. (E.g. when one face a mirror after a bath)

For more artworks of Alyssa Monks:

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